Here at Cardinal Affiliates, we have the goal of helping business owners and marketing executives get the most out of technology to increase conversion rates and get people to their website. Cardinal Affiliates can help you create a content marketing plan that will get you results.  A powerful content strategy can be used to connect with your customers, whether they are right down the street or halfway around the world. If you want to grow your business, you have to go beyond traditional marketing and advertising, and that means developing a specific content marketing strategy. It is critical that your company has exceptional online visibility, and that is where content marketing strategy comes into play. If you are looking for a great partner to help you improve your marketing performance. You have come to the right place!


Our content marketing packages include a specific content strategy for your business, and we offer custom packages that will suit your specific needs. As part of our content marketing strategy, we will develop your site so that it will rank in search engine results, and that is done through keyword research, search volume, competition, cost-per-click, etc. In addition to an effective SEO strategy, our content marketing strategy will include content promotion. This makes it possible for your brand to become more exposed to people around the world. There are many different avenues of promotion from pay-per-click to social media and advertising.

We also offer mobile marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing to businesses. Mobile marketing makes it possible for you to interact more closely with your target audience. Social media gives you the chance to connect with your target audience in a way that will enable you to reach the users you are looking for. Email is a big key to a successful business and that means you need to be engaged in email marketing.


We also offer Web Design and Web Development services. Did you know that almost 95% of a user’s first impression comes from how your website is designed? The goal of a website is to attract users and also tell consumers about your business and make them aware of your products. You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so we make your website stand out. When you get your site designed by us, you get specific branding and logo design, as well as mobile application design and graphics. We provide many different design sets that can be customized to fit your business. Our web design team works with you to revise and change your website to meet your specific needs. We work closely with you to make sure your needs and requirements for your website are met. Whether you are a brick-and-mortar business, a service provider, or an online business, we can design your website to meet your needs.

When it comes to Web Development, we give you access to a plethora of different services in web development, including platforms, e-commerce sites, portals, mobile apps, etc. When people visit your website, they are looking to find out what your company can do for them. The first impression your website makes is of the utmost importance, which is why you need excellent web development. We have experience in all areas of web development to help your business. From coding and design to content and marketing, we have what you need to make your business more successful. Our web development plan includes continual website improvements, routine maintenance for your site, and product and service updates. When you choose us for your web development, you will get many different content tools that will make your website more effective, and you will have access to several different tools that will help make your website stand out in the crowd.


One of the biggest keys to improving your advertising and marketing performance is to track every strategy you use, even if your only strategy focuses on your website. Here at Cardinal Affiliates, we do more than just ask the “How Did You Hear About Us?” question. The responses to that question are oftentimes not that accurate and tell you very little. 

You must do whatever you can to increase your visibility on search engines like Google. The Internet is your most powerful sales tool and you need to use it effectively that is where Cardinal Affiliates can help. If you don’t have a great Internet marketing strategy then you are losing money.

If you want your business to grow, then you need to build up your brand, increase your revenue, reach your audience, attract more customers, and maximize your return on investment. A successful marketing strategy can help you do all of that for your business.